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新加坡馆企业名称: 化缔迈有限公司 联系地址: 新加坡
所属分类: 6 联系电话/手机: (65) 6756 2938

The G6000 is a compact and precise smart gas meter based on proven ultrasonic measurement technology. The meter has an extended measurement range allowing installation in residential and commercial sites, and is accurate down to -25°C

The meter supports ZigBee, wireless M-BUS, and standalone GPRS/GSM communications technology. The unit also comes complete with an integrated valve which, along with advanced software/firmware features, allows the unit to be remotely configured for credit and prepayment operation.

The ultrasonic technology also opens up new business models for utilities through the disaggregation of gas readings by gas appliance.
Organisation Name : EDMI LIMITED 
Business Address : 47 Yishun Industrial Park A 
Level 3 
Singapore 768724
Tel : (65) 6756 2938
Fax : (65) 6756 0125
E-mail : shiehfui@edmi-meters.com
Website : www.edmi-meters.com