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新加坡馆企业名称: OPTICAL 联系地址: 新加坡
所属分类: 7 联系电话/手机: (65) 6391 0328

Established in the year of 1996, OSA is the largest distributor of finished and semi finished ophthalmic lenses in varieties of materials like plastic, mineral, trivex and polycarbonate. The company also has a strong division in supplying a wide range of high value-added products, ranging from efficient optical machineries, state-of-art cutting tools to environmental-friendly lens cleaning products.

It is our pleasure to invite you as a consumer to browse through the pages and inform yourself about the huge variety of lenses, consumables, instruments and machineries that we can provide. Each of our products is fully informative to match any of your requirements.

However if you are unable to find a specific product and need assistance, please click here to contact us now. Our team of friendly and customer-oriented staff will be there to assist you.

Organisation Name : OPTICAL SUPPLY OF ASIA (S)
Business Address : 201 Kallang Bahru 
#02-00 Essilor Building 1 
Singapore 339338
Tel : (65) 6391 0328
Fax : (65) 6294 5862
E-mail : raymond@osa.com.sg
Website : www.osa.com.sg