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名称: 凌云创意包装设计有限公司 联系地址: 深圳市南山区蛇口湾厦路126号创新创意园A203
所属国名分类: 找商标设计师 联系电话/手机: 0755-83500769

 深圳市凌云创意包装设计有限公司是中国最具营销思维的品牌创意包装设计公司。我们以品牌咨询与创意设计为核心思维,为客户提供从品牌战略规划、品牌定位、品牌设计、产品设计、包装设计、互动设计到数字传播设计的品牌创意设计服务。凌云创意始终坚持“营销思维为导向”的核心创作理念,通过多年的品牌咨询与创意设计工作总结出一套行之有效的品牌创意设计体系,为企业提供量体裁衣式的品牌营销设计体验,团队也始终坚持出品更具市场竞争力的设计解决方案,为客户品牌持久保鲜和持续增值。服务过的客户包括(酒水类)五粮液集团、泸州老窖集团有限责任公司、剑南春集团、枝江酒业股份有限公司、云南红酒业集团、贵州金沙酒业集团、天津卫酒集团(非酒水类)中国石化、云南世纪华宝、广州天华甘宝(国际)投资有限公司、中山珠江饮料、 等众多知名企业,服务客户遍及酒类、食品、饮料、快速消费品、化工等多个行业领域。

Lingyun Creative is a creative branding and packaging design company with the most innovative marketing ideas in China. Focusing on brand consulting and creative design, we provide a full range of creating branding and design services for customers, including brand strategy development, brand positioning, brand design, product design, packaging design, interactive design and digital marketing design. Sticking to the marketing-oriented designing philosophy, we have developed an effective creating branding system underpinned by our years' experience in brand consulting and creative design. We offer a customized brand marketing and design experience and our team continues delivering competitive design solutions to sharpen customers' competitive edge.We have served a wide range of leaders in industries such as wine, food, beverage, cosmetics and chemical industry. Our customers include Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd., Luzhou Laojiao CO., LTD., JNC Group Co., Ltd., HUBEI ZHIJIANG LIQUOR TRADE CO., LTD., Yunnan Red Wine Co., Ltd., GUI ZHOU JINSHA WINE GROUP, Tianjin Wei Wine Group, China Petrochemical Corporation, Yunnan Century Hope Pharmaceutical Industry Development Co. Ltd., Tianhuaganbao(International)Investment Co., Ltd. and Zhongshan Zhujiang Beverage Co., Ltd.