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Chicken Opor Flavored Supermi

Chicken Opor is one of Indonesia's favorite menus for special events: religious festivities or family gathering occasions. The delicious taste of coconut milk broth makes it the perfect dish to be enjoyed together. However, since it is not easy to prepare, this dish become special menu that only appears on special occasions.


Now, your crave for Chicken Opor can be fulfilled anytime. The New Chicken Opor Flavored Supermi! Now available for all family moments. A combination of delicious taste of noodles, a mix of coconut milk and chicken broth added with opor meatballs. Tasty! Every day is a special day. When can you enjoy Chicken Opor? Every day!

Lay’s Honey Butter

Introducing Lay’s Honey Butter flavored potato chips, one of the most popular product variants in Asia Pacific. The combination of sweet and buttery taste creates the mouthwatering aroma. Truly irresistible!
